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Old 03-08-09, 01:00 AM
AustinPoker AustinPoker is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1
What I don't understand is that everyone always complains about theses sites being rigged. How could they possibly be rigged against everyone? If it is rigged against some people it would have to be fixed for some people as well. How would they decide who they want to make win and who they want to make lose? They make the same rake off of every player in any given game. As for the whole withdraw thing, everyone says that but it is purely psychological, they don't make you lose if you take money out. The day I hear one person come out and say the site is cheating FOR them I will start to give this argument the slightest amount of credibility. There is alot of loose play online which makes for a lot of bad beats. Thats all, next time you see a bad player making horrible plays and winning all day use a website that checks stats and more often than not they are overall losing players.