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Picture Home Game Poker App
Ever dreamed of expanding your game?
Home Game Poker App can help you make that happen!!

Perks of the app:
Cost way less! - no more rent, dealer, food, drink
Safe! - getting busted is never fun :P
2.5x amount of hands dealt vs live scene!
100% fair and unpredictable shuffle algorithm.
Your game is no longer limited to the location!!! Have a player from New York to play your Florida home game!

You might wonder what's the differences between the Home Game Poker App and Pokerstar's home game function.
1. Stars home game is not offered via mobile.
2. As a host, there is no way for you to track players' session result on Stars. But on Home Game Poker App, real time result tracking is in place, after all, how else can you pay the players without knowing how did they do.
3. Home Game Poker App offers commission setting aka rake.

Now of course there'r few draw backs such as
Players must have a smart phone or tablet...
A way to send/receive funds via internet such as Paypal, venmo, boa, chase, facebook messenger etc etc.

But entrepreneurs like youself must already know these drawbacks are not even close compares against the benefits!

Learn more at http://facebook.com/homegamepokerapp


Messenge me with any question you might have, I'm here to help.
Good Luck
3 07-04-16 12:11 PM

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