View Full Version : Pineapple

08-19-04, 10:36 AM
Just like Hold em but you get 3 cards. Dis-card one of them before the flop.
Crazy pineapple, same as above but dis-card one card after the flop.
We also play hold em with a kill every now and then.

11-22-04, 10:59 AM
i was told pinapple was like omaha with a draw after the flop. maybe im wrong.

11-22-04, 08:47 PM
Yeah, Pineapple is 3 cards...

05-10-05, 03:29 PM
note that in 'lazy' pineapple you keep 3 cards but can only play 2 or less cards(like hold'em)...in 'crazy' pineapple you discard 1 card after the flop and play like hold'em.