View Full Version : Highest theoretical win rate?

10-10-04, 05:06 PM
What's the highest theoretical win rate in BB/hour given the worst possible players? I wonder this because when I switched up to $10/$20 I played in a game where players literally played almost the worst you could play. I made 5BB/hour for 25 hours until the games dried up. I wonder how many BB/hour a player could make if a game were the worst it could possibley be? 10BB/hour? more?

10-17-04, 06:32 PM
I played on a .50/1 table the other day and did not think that the competion was that bad for skill. They were pretty tight and had a 11BB/hr result. Think if you can get anywere from 10-15BB/hr you are doing good.

07-09-05, 08:25 PM
I think that estimate is way too high for the loing-term. Not to mention your win rate is going to be higher in loose games than tight games. I have specifically tested only loose games for times when I wanted to see how high I could get my win rate. I once found a really loose (idiot players) $10/$20 game where I won 5 BB/hour for 25 hours.

For those who don't know BB means "big bet" per hour and not "Big blind". For a $2/$4 game with $1/$2 blinds, 1 BB = $4 per hour.