View Full Version : Research for Article on On-line players

08-31-05, 09:15 PM
I’m published in Poker Player and Full Tilt magazines, and am collecting data on a new story thread. I invite you to become part of the research. It will take moments of your time. Please be accurate and serious. I will collect the data in your replies for the month of September ‘05 only.
Once the article is published I’ll be happy to post it, and the research data on this site. No names or other information please. Even User Names are not being recorded…just the data.

Please answer the following questions.

1. How tall are you? (Example: 5’ 10”)

2. What is your weight? (Example: 178 pounds)

3. Male or Female?

The following is optional but would be appreciated (possible material for another article):

4. Age (Example: 31)

Thank you for posting a reply.

Tom Golabek

10-11-05, 12:27 PM
Tom, your a riot! YOu want my stats? Female - Age 38, but can look much younger, weight between 110-115 lbs, depending on where I got my "comp" at the casino last night. Hair color, hmmmm, could be blond, red, brunette, but then wigs look so realistic. If I wear heels, depending on the heel heighth, I could be anywhere from 5'7" to 5''9. But then, I just might show up in jeans and tennis shoes, with my hair color tucked up underneath a ballcap. And hey, I might even wear a jersey, that says number 9 on it. I think maybe you ought to check out my prior thread messages, maybe you'll get a much better picture.