Conversation Between foxdawg and ON TILT Promotions
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Sorry man but I have obviously not been on this site in a while! Call me at 888-577-TILT and choose the dial by name option. Enter "LES" and it will ring to my phone. You can also email me at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]. We play Tuesdays in Acworth, Thursdays in Smyrna, and we have a monthly game coming up this Saturday in Smyrna!
Wanted to let you know that effective Thursday, 01/29/09, we will have two regular weekly games going (#1- Acworth area on Tues nights, #2 - Smyrna area on Thurs nights). $60 no re-buy, guarantee 1st place 1k with 45+ players. We are averaging 55+ in Acworth and have for the last 12 weeks. Last week had 61. Play is average - advanced.
Let me know if interested.