Moderated Social Group
PokerActionNY 917-300-8948 (NO RAKE BOXES) - Contact info INSIDE
United States |
New York |
Manhattan (UNION SQUARE) |
10003 |
Everyday at 4pm SHARP. 15%BONUS by 430. $50 NEW PLAYER BONUS! Game ALWAYS starts on time. Runs till 6am or later. |
1-3, 2-5, 5-5, 5-10, 10-25 NL Holdem & PLO (Pot Limit Omaha) & Rotation |
Occasionally |
3000 ========READ BELOW !!!!!! ======== |
21-75 |
Players who respect the rules & have poker etiquette play with us. LOTS OF FISH! Our games are sick action! We have something for every type of player. Old, young, female, male. Our multi-lingual staff will attend to all your needs. |
Casino Rules enforced by floor manager & dealers who have been properly trained. We invite you to check out ALL other games listed on this forum & then try us once. You will see the difference in professionalism & Safety. |
We run the best poker club in town. Professional, safe, discreet with our own private floor. Members only. Contact us for details on how to become a member. Membership is free. There is a small, but effective screening process.Great private action game |
Natalie - Email me at or text at 917-300-8948 - I am your NYC host for poker. We enjoy what we do & take great pride in offering a professional card game in the city. Please visit all other games before trying us. We like to ea |
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