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The Retreat The Retreat is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
  1. The Retreat
    09-11-16 07:16 PM
    The Retreat
    We are running 6 nights a week. If you want some more info or just wanna have a great time playing with Fish and Sharks just give me a text or call at 615-423-8420 or 615-977-4556
  2. The Retreat
    02-26-16 12:00 AM
    The Retreat
    Game has been changed. We are now taking off on Fridays and will be running on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Bad Beat will be held on Saturdays.
  3. The Retreat
    08-11-15 07:30 AM
    The Retreat
    Game has still been nothing but fun and excitement. We had had an all out crazy Asian party the other day, was fun and full of excitement. Who is ready for the upcoming MSPT in Tropicana-Evansville, I'll see everyone down there. GL
  4. The Retreat
    07-16-15 08:22 PM
    The Retreat
    Super good action as of late. Brand new table from BBO Poker Tables. Let me know if you wanna come out see the crazy action.
  5. The Retreat
    05-29-15 10:08 PM
    The Retreat
    Game has been super good lately. We are running 6 days of the week with early starts and late endings. Just let me know if you want to join in on the crazy action.
  6. The Retreat
    05-14-15 04:38 PM
    The Retreat
    We have been running Both NL Holdem and Omaha H and H/L. Been crazy on some nights and relaxed cool atmosphere on others. Let me know if you wanna come and play.
  7. The Retreat
    05-09-15 07:43 PM
    The Retreat
    Saturday tournament $200+40 buyin.........Lets get the action going again on a great Saturday. Just give me a call at 615-506-3083
  8. The Retreat
    03-26-15 09:43 PM
    The Retreat
    We are still running guys.....we have 2 locations. Run 7 nights a week. Some nights is Omaha Hi.....the others are NL Holdem. And on Saturdays we have a tournment.....last week top 5 paid first got 3k
  9. OrangeWolverine
    03-26-15 11:56 AM
    You guys looking for another player? Looking for a good group.
  10. Bstrous
    03-25-15 07:19 PM
    Are you still running? Tried to pm you. Looking for a game to get into

About Me

  • About The Retreat
    First Name
    State or Country
    Poker Dealer
    Started Playing Poker
    Back in young years of poker when Chris Moneymaker made it big in the WSOP.
    What Games & Limits do you play?
    N/L Texas Hold'em button $5 up to $25, live strattle available
    Poker Goals
    To make the home game the funnest and most wildly entertaining part of the day for the men and women who love to play.
    Favorite Poker Sites?
    www.bovada.com, 2+2 poker forum, www.wsop.com
    Favorite Poker Players?
    Daniel Negreanu
    What is your biggest Poker Accomplishment?
    Turning $17.00 into $3,200 in 8 hours of play......weee
    Poker, Frisby Golf, Golf, Gaming


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-25-21 09:50 AM
  • Join Date: 10-31-14

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