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Chipraks718 Chipraks718 is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Rack Poker NJ
    03-23-14 12:30 PM
    Rack Poker NJ
    Have you been to poker games or “spots” that make lofty guarantees through advertising, but do not deliver? For example, did the game not have that Billiards pool table or 50in. Samsung televisions with NFL Sunday Ticket you looked forward to enjoying?

    Play at a game that doesn’t tell false tales to bring in players. Play at Racks Poker!

    Rack Poker is committed to running a safe, honest, and fair home poker game that treats players as family. If you identify with a poker game that’s number one priority is to create a lasting relationship with you while you enjoy the game you love, then contact please do not hesitate to PM or get in touch racksjerseypoker at gmail.com!

    Thank you for your time!

  2. apsociety
    11-24-11 08:07 PM
    I am hosting 1/3 and 2/5 NLH games in Midtown, Manhattan. Each game is hosted twice a week. 100% drug free, clean, safe and secure. Let me know if you want to play with us.
  3. bombers29
    08-05-10 05:22 PM
    Hey, do you still have holdem games going on ?, it is August 5, 2010, thanks


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  • Last Activity: 10-29-10 06:50 AM
  • Join Date: 05-08-08

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