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tack 07-10-04 06:00 PM

i agree bring back pollack i dont watch the show now because of dan.

dwarfish (pokerroom.com nickname) 07-12-04 06:00 PM

I think you guys are missing the point of the previous "negative" and "jealous" posts. In all fairness, I have the same inquiry about Phils ability and playing style. I have only seen one tournament Phil was in, and albeit he got to the final table and the 1-on-1 showdown, he lost to an amateur. And this was to a guy who was playing his first tourny. How many tournies has Phil played before then? Like pokerdali, I can't figure what seperates this guy from the rest of us "above average" players. Above average players would get to the final table a few time, eventually - given enough tournies. Scotty N. and Layne have made careers out of poker, I mean Scotty was betting for shoes when he was a little kid. Being a nice guy, a college prodigy, or a millionaire would looks good and talks calmly doesn't make someone an excellent pokerplayer. And even being great at poker doesnt make you worthy or capable of teaching poker to others. Im not saying anything bad about Phil, I just honestly dont understand his game and question some of his commentary and suggestions. More than anything I would like to know more about his play.By the way, dave foley is hilarious. You shouldnt take anything he says too seriously - he's a comedian. The only thing that would make Celebrity poker better is if they got him to dress up like the French-speaking hooker from The Kids in the Hall, while hosting the show... that would be fabulous

herman007 07-13-04 06:00 PM

I've siad it before and will now say it again,CELEBRITY POKER SUCKS.What's to be learned by watching people play this game who don't even know basic Hold-Em strategy?

MarkDoh 07-13-04 06:00 PM

Great job taking out moneymaker in the world poker tour!

DFISH 07-14-04 06:00 PM

phil is rich that sets him apart. Phil made the world series of poker final table way before moneymaker a few times another thing. oh ya Pollack was a comic act once too. phil can call poker percents better than anyone,the only one close is chris Furgeson.

Donna 07-16-04 06:00 PM

Nicolas Cage WISHES he looked like Phil! LOL...I REALLY enjoy watching him on Celebrity Poker and truthfully didn't know who he was until the last few months. I am happy to see more poker televised! It is fun to watch, both celbrity and professional style! I would like to see a biography program about Phil.

Alina/Lil' One/missabkar 07-16-04 06:00 PM

Met Phil and his bestfriend Rafe on vacation in Cancun, Mexico. If anyone has anything negative to say, it's because they don't know him or don't care to get to know him. Phil is a genuinely great guy whom I had the pleasure to play poker, backgammon and volleyball with. You would never know he is rich, that is just an excuse made by all the jealous men out there. Pokerdali & Kenko - don't you have anything better to do than spread negativity? Get a life and stop questioning what Phil does with his.

bglissman 07-16-04 06:00 PM

Who wins if both have in Texas Holdem a pair of jack's and a pair of 10's and for the fifth card one has a King and the other a 3?And what happens if two players both have full houses?Thanks

amybare 07-17-04 06:00 PM

Just so you know dwarffish, some of the most dangerous players at a table are amatuers. There have been more than one pro that said they would rather play another pro at a tourny than an amatuer. thats is becuase their play is sooo sporatic. They also tend to stay in on hands that should of been laid down and end up catching it on the river with pure luck. That will only get you so far. you might be able to get some of the tells on an amateur, but they usually dont really know what they are holding on to. Granted the amateur has to have some skill to make it that far on the world series of poker. But honestly alot of that is luck. what sets phil apart are his ability to calculate the odds and read people. That is something that will consistantly get you to the final table.i wish that i knew more abou his play as well, but I know that i couldn't apply it. I am not that kind of mind which makes me mediocre at best at the game.

phillyscr 07-21-04 06:00 PM

I bet he cant beat the celebraties.

Unregistered 07-21-04 06:00 PM

take a show with celebs and throw in a pro at every table and lets see who wins, id rather watch that then watch an all celeb show.

Unregistered 08-01-04 06:00 PM

This Guy Needs To Stcik To Celebrity Poker He Probably Couldn't Beat Them

jj15 08-02-04 06:00 PM

I could beat him with one chip, he sucks so much

reindeerjumper 08-05-04 06:00 PM

I like Phil for some reason - I've never met him but he doesn't seem to be affected by the money he has made in his lifetime. I just wish he would finish with his book. I've been on the hold list for it from Amazon for several weeks and I want to read it before I go to Vegas again. Thanks Phil.

iRock 08-05-04 06:00 PM

Twenty Short Tips for Better Texas Hold'em by Phil Gordon: [url]http://www.preventcancer.org/donations/poker.cfm[/url]

reindeerjumper 08-07-04 06:00 PM

Wow - Thanks so much. I am on my way to that site now. And quite frankly, I'd rather donate to a good charity whenever possible. Thanks again. RD

sundancegirl 08-13-04 06:00 PM

I really got hooked on Celebrity Poker Showdown and I really like Phil Gordon ever since. He just has some kind of magic not to mention really good looks. I just wish I could get a poker tutoring session from him. :)

Sandi/Area51Alien/lasvegas1pokerteacher 08-16-04 06:00 PM

Phil Gordon is, without a doubt, one of the most REAL people I have ever met or had the pleasure to work with. I work at The Palms in Las Vegas and have been extremely fortunate to work with Phil on several occasions, the last one being the Stuff3 Celebrity Poker Tournament last weekend, and I will be working with him at The Celebrity Poker Showdown next weekend. He is a true gentlemen in every sense of the word. Notwithstanding he is one of the best poker players in the World, he is witty, intelligent, knowledgeable about many subjects and just downright gorgeous to look at. His new book "POKER THE REAL DEAL" is delightful to read as I am about half-way through right now. It will be available for sale October 1 in stores and at Amazon.Com. He autographed and gave away hundreds of copies of it last weekend and NEVER ONCE did he refuse to stop what he was doing and talk to anyone and answer their questions. Anyone who says anything negative about Phil Gordon has never spent one minute in his presence. I only wish I was 30 years younger. I consider him a friend.

Marina(maelohna) 08-18-04 06:00 PM

Quite frankly, I hadn't heard about Phil Gordon until Celebrity Poker Showdown. I remember seeing Phil but didn't REALLY pay attention to him until a couple of weeks ago. Of course, prone to "celebrity crushes" as I am, I went on a mission: to find out anything I could about this man. I found pgordon.com, which has since moved to philgordonpoker.com, and found some wonderful essays and exciting pictures of some of Phil's travel adventures. The more I read his stories, and the more I saw this man's photographs, I began to feel as if I was actually IN Africa (my fave "philadventure)! I experienced the beauty and the culture of that continent through Phil's eyes and words, and I said Lord, I've gotta meet this man and tell him what a wonderful blessing he has been to my heart! It is because of Phil Gordon that I have found the courage to "step outside my prisonbox" and go back to the gym and go back to my weight-loss counselor. It's been a VERY short time, but I have found new courage and a new hope. I won't elaborate more, because I'll be embarassed, but I just wanted to praise God for blessing me with "inspiration." Mike Gordon, if you read these comments, do you think this would at least put a smile on Phil's face? Oh well, I guess I'll go a-gushin' with the rest of the country's female persuasion... :)

Marina(maelohna) 08-18-04 06:00 PM

SUNDANCEGIRL (and whoever else): :-) go to [url]www.philgordonpoker.com[/url] and check out Phil's official website. From there you can find out a whole lot of things in which Phil is involved, including the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation ([url]www.preventcancer.org[/url]). You can get a hold of Phil's book of tips by instructions on [url]www.philgordonpoker.com/philanthropist.html[/url]. I also came across a site where it claims Phil will actually call you and give you 30 minutes of poker Q & A time if you donate $500 or more to the charity. Don't remember the exact page though. :-)

ReindeerJumper 08-18-04 06:00 PM

I was interested in getting Phil's book and someone on this board clued me in to the Cancer Prevention Research Foundation. Here is the website: [url]http://www.preventcancer.org/donations/poker.cfmAnd[/url] the terms of Phil's donation/benefits are:Make a Sure Bet by Donating Toward the Fight Against CancerCRPF Board Member and Bravo Channel’s Celebrity Poker Showdown Co-Host Phil Gordon is making a generous offer to CRPF donors only. For a donation to the Foundation, you can receive one of the following: $20 donation: A PDF format of Phil’s 20 Short Tips booklet which is not available in stores and available exclusively through the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation. $50 donation: An autographed copy of Phil’s 20 Short Tips booklet. $100 donation: An autographed hardcover copy of Phil's new book on poker titled, Poker: The Real Deal. $500 donation: A private, 30-minute poker lesson by phone with Phil and a copy of both the 20 Short Tips booklet and Poker: The Real Deal. You can ask all the questions you want about poker, Celebrities and Las Vegas!Poker enthusiasts may also want to check out the following site: [url]http://www.preventcancer.org/badbeatoncancer/[/url] Another effort to raise funds to defeat cancer started by Phil and his friend Rafe Furst. And look at all the other poker pros who are helping out!I am already working on I only wish I had $500 to donate instead of $50 - but every little bit helps.Thanks to Phil and all the other Poker Pros!

Marina 08-18-04 06:00 PM

REINDEERJUMPER: Hey, you could always save $50 per pay to $500... What do you think? My only question is, if we donated $500, and Phil would actually call us, would he be willing to talk about something other than poker? (P.S.) If anyone feels like talking about Mr. Gordon's poker games or anything else, feel free to e-mail me anytime. :)

Tracy/LadyT/wisteriabay 08-22-04 06:00 PM

Poker is in my blood, my grandfather is a professional and I am aspiring to be the best. As I respect the game and the professionals I watch, I have to admit Phil Gordon's personality is the best. How can you not appreciate that great smile! As for all the jealous bums out there, keep your comments to yourselves and keep your eyes on your cards. "Bravo" to you Phil, for being one of the top guys to bring this great game back into the public eye! Maybe it will become "America's favorite past time" and replace baseball! Say hey to Dave F. for me, he is quite the entertainer, makes me laugh! Since Friends ended you have made my Thursday nights FUN AGAIN! Mike you got a great kid!

Heather_L_Green 08-30-04 06:00 PM

Poker may be one of the latest fads sweeping the nation, but, hey - whoever thought Britney Spears would still be in the news. "Games" have always been around for years to keep us entertained, and as we collectively increase our intelligence (ideally) as a nation, we are drawn to poker. It not only draws on luck, but also stamina, skill, knowledge and pure instinct. Phil didn't just walk his way into a lucky gig. He is truly a gifted person whose talents and intelligence offered him a chance to not only grow his own success, but offer charity to the causes he believes in. Phil will be the first to admit he's not one of the top poker pros, but that won't stop him from making you cry at the poker table. He doesn't offer charity there! "Celebrity Poker" may not showcase the best poker plays, but that isn't the point. It combines the infatuation we have with Hollywood in a setting that makes you feel like you are part of the table. Phil's fame may come and go, but the legacy of his philanthropy will live for a very long time.

pocket7s 09-03-04 06:00 PM

phil gordon isnt as good at poker as you think i mean yeah he has some skill but you dont see him showing up at many final tables and you figure he enters every wpt event and you what of just thought of him as some random pro if he didnt have that show on bravo and who could't make a final table if enter a billion events a year i mean you have to know the game and have to have breif skill and your bound to get lucky

Marina 09-04-04 06:00 PM

Pocket7s: I believe Phil Gordon himself has admitted he isn't the best poker player in the world, and yes, I personally wouldn't have known of him except for Bravo's Celebrity Poker Showdown, but, he HAS won WPT final table spots as well as the WPT's Bay 101 Shooting Stars Tournament championship back in March of this year. (THAT was a final prize of $360,000!!) Just look this up on Phil's official website, as well as other poker websites (cardplayer.com, tiltboys.com, fulltiltpoker.com). Phil would also admit that there's luck to be had in playing poker, as most pros would, but don't you or anybody downplay Phil's accomplishments until you know more of his story. If you don't care to know more of Phil Gordon's story, then move on.

Marina 09-09-04 06:00 PM

Hey, I don't suppose anyone out there has a copy of the dating game show "Blind Date" episode in which Phil was a guest? If you don't have a copy, does anyone know where I could get one?

Bill / Rentcar1 09-12-04 06:00 PM

Phil Gordon brings together the Tao and the Zen of Poker in a simple humble way. He shares his insights and smiles at the Bad Beats. What else can anyone ask for? That's Poker! Thanks Phil...

Stud7. 09-12-04 06:00 PM

I just spent some time learning poker from Phil last week in Vegas and he is, without a doubt, the nicest public personality I have ever met... and I have met a few.He is the purest poker player I have ever seen.... and just because he doesn't win all the time doesn't mean he isn't making money. We discussed taxes once and he said you can only claim losses if they are higher than your winnings... but he hasn't had to claim losses in over 10 years!I really think it's only a matter of time and you will see Phil win the big one.And, even though there are many great ones out there who are deserving of THE TITLE, Phil is first in line.

Stud7. 09-12-04 06:00 PM

Sorry, I forgot to mention Phil's book. I have an autographed copy... it comes out on October 1st and Philke is touring some of the major cities promoting it. Check out his web site for details. There are good books out there but the writing quality is lacking. This book is superbly written and extremely informative. It is easy to folllow and understand and I think it will replace "The Bible" (Brunson's Super System) as the definitive work on No-Limit Texas Hold'em

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