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Old 05-25-11, 09:54 AM
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What to do with this bankroll?

I work a job $9 dollars an hour. I barely can afford to pay my rent and food however this will do while I go to school.

2 weeks ago I took $150 dollars to a casino and played $1/$2.
I ended the night at $1500 total. I went back the next night and ended up a lot. I had $6k this morning and I felt like I was on top

of the world. I went back to the casino and played $2/$5 and lost $2500. Now I have divided the money up like this
I have $3500 left
$1000 towards surgery
$500 for having fun during the summer
$1000 for bills.

That leaves me with $1000 that I plan to use for my live bankroll and try to make as much as possible in April playing more solid

ABC poker. Should I buy in for $200 or $100 or $150 for more buyins? Any advice would be appreciated. Not really interested in

online poker at this time.
meeep is offline
Old 05-25-11, 10:03 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,292
My biggest advice is to stay within your skill limits for a while longer. Most players assume that because they are geat at one level, that they will be great at the next. The tuth is that there is sometimes a huge difference even with a 1-level change ($1/$ to $2/$4 for instance).
Old 06-02-11, 01:05 PM
stoneSteadam stoneSteadam is offline
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i know what u mean. But not all the sites are scam. some places offer real free poker bankroll. Not kiddin. look there is a lot of good web sites with info about free poker bankroll. Here is a blog with strategys about bankroll management and somo offer for build ur first free poker bankroll

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