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Old 09-19-11, 05:20 PM
Pokergroupsema Pokergroupsema is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1
Poker learning group se ma

Starting a new group of Poker Players beyond beginner level looking to improve their games. I am a tournament and some cash player at MS and FW, playing for 10 years looking for other similar players. Looking for other players that understand odds, position and such at intermediate and advanced levels. This IS NOT for new players or players that cant calculate pot odds, don't know what a squeeze play, are chasers or have learned everything they know from bar leagues and kitchen tables. Look to start in October/November 2011 with at least four people and expand. Not sure how often or where we will meet other than SE Mass/RI Border areas. You have to have a good temper, willingness to learn, share, and teach. There will be no money involved and you will be asked to explain method and reason for play as well as discuss hand and take/give feedback willingly and constructively. Occasional trips to FW or MS. Only contact me if serious and I will call by phone. Let me know a bit about yourself, your style of play, recent poker books you have read and how long you have played. Thanks [email]homepokergroupsema@aol.com[/email]
Old 05-01-12, 01:18 AM
greenkings greenkings is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Possibly interested depending on scheduling, I play 3-s nights a week put in over 1million hands online last year looking to expand on hand reading and theory, have been reading mostly plo books as of late and I'm focusing more on learning that right now
Old 05-06-12, 06:10 PM
bluegarage bluegarage is offline
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I learned most of what I know about poker at a " kitchen table" game. Therefore I'm sure I'm not at your advanced level of play.

As for calculating pot odds; At my game, the odds of someone bringing enough pot to roll a blunt is slim to none. Is that what you mean?
Old 12-01-16, 08:03 AM
norskcasino norskcasino is offline
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This is interesting. I am interested in joining this poker learning group. I am beginner level player and still learning some new strategies everyday in free time.
Old 05-24-17, 08:36 PM
jeko6688 jeko6688 is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 2
it is very good for beginner to learn more, and they can play wit the more experience poker player

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