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Old 12-03-04, 09:13 AM
Tony palermo
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Plastic Playing Cards

Hi just wondering if anyone knows a good brand or type of playing card best suited for playing holdem? Unfortunately my friends enjoy bending up just the corner to see the cards and we go through a deck a game. Any ideas???
Old 01-04-05, 04:29 AM
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We use KEM cards from Vegas. Not 100% sure of the price, but I think they were around $15 a pack when we bought them a year or so ago.

Do a search at Ebay.
Old 01-07-05, 12:22 PM
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I picked up a dual pack of Royal cards at my local Pool Tables Plus store. They carry all kinds of game room stuff. The dual pack (1 red, 1 blue) only cost $6.00, but they are actually bridge cards (1/4" smaller than standard poker cards). They work great, no bent edges.
Old 02-12-05, 12:11 AM
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KEM were good cards, but the company was sold a couple months ago and there inventory is just about gone. I use Copag and cant complain at all about them. I think i paid like 23.00 with shipping for a 2 deck set, and have had them a year and havent even had to use the 2nd deck yet. Im sure that i will get at least 3 yrs out of them, so they are by far worth the money.
Old 02-21-05, 10:41 AM
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Talking Plastic Cards

check out [url]http://www.copagcards.com/[/url]

they are plastic cards, sold 2 decks in a set for $15 or so..
You can buy them on ebay, look around for free shipping...

Old 03-02-05, 06:21 PM
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Exclamation Great Cheap Cards

You can often find 'previously played' casino cards at the 'everything is a dollar store'....There is a store where I live that always has cards from the Hard Rock hotel and Casino...Very high quality cards...always in great condition. You can't beat them for a buck! Check around and stock up when they are in.....


Old 03-09-05, 09:34 PM
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Plastic Playing Cards at Casino Supplies Inc

Hi, try this link:
[URL="http://www.casinosuppliesinc.com/index.php?cat_id=20&catname='Plastic%20Poker%20Car ds"]http://www.casinosuppliesinc.com/index.php?cat_id=20&catname='Plastic%20Poker%20Car ds[/URL]

2 decks (green and brown or blue and red) are $16.50 plus delivery for all plastic A Plus cards. This is the cheapest price I have found. They are about $7.00 cheaper than Kardwell.

Last edited by HPG ADMIN; 03-13-13 at 05:09 PM.
Old 03-14-05, 01:50 AM
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Do an E-Bay search for Royal cards. I just got 4 decks for $12.00, and the guy threw in a set of buttons for free. I paid $18.00 including shipping for everything.
Old 03-31-05, 06:01 PM
muerte26 muerte26 is offline
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We got some really nice playing cards(forgot the brand name) from one of those barstool and billiards places. Really nice cards and help up well the first nite of use. 8 bucks for a set of 2.
Low and behold a few weeks later I found the same cards for 99 cent.
I bought 10 packs. thats 20 decks.
Even if they do get bent, trashem and open up a new deck.
Old 04-03-05, 12:34 PM
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Plastic Playing Cards

A brand that I swear by now days and have always had good comments from fellow poker players are Copag Cards. These are a brand that I've only found online, but is a good deal. Get 2 decks for $15 from many online retailers. The best part of these, as compared to the KEM cards is that they actually make POKER SIZED cards. KEM decks are typically bridge sized, and COPAG makes those as well, but the poker sized are awesome. I highly recommend them.
Old 06-09-05, 01:03 PM
5thStreetPokerParties.com 5thStreetPokerParties.com is offline
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Copags Rock!

We have tried several different brands of cards to date including Royal, and KEM. COPAG's are by far the best. We get more positive comments on these cards than we did with any other...

I'm not necessarily tyring to sell you on these... but if your interest is peaked you can find more detailed information on the features of COPAG Cards through the link below.


Old 07-06-05, 08:34 PM
SteveA SteveA is offline
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I use Copag's too.

I actually purchased a set of KEM cards (the old ones), but they were very flimsy and felt a lot "less substantial" than the Copags.
Old 08-06-05, 11:19 AM
MDiscontent MDiscontent is offline
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i went to vegas and hoped to find a couple great sets of playing cards.

visited [URL=http://www.gamblersgeneralstore.com/]The Gamblers Gneral Store[/URL] self-advertised as the the largest gamblers store.

i spent about an hour there and examined all thier cards. despite the store's reputation, i found that they didnt know that much about cards. the couple of people i talked to didnt know squat about the cards except to let me know which ones sold well.

i tested the KEMs and the COPAGs... and I liked the copags better. Bought me some of those. $14.77 for the 1 set of 2 decks. bought a poker regular and poker jumbo size.

The kems were the smaller bridge size and they felt way too flimsy and slippery - guess i have to work on my shuffling skills. but i had the most trouble shuffling these cards. Still, when you shuffled perfectly, there was that amazing sound.

I also bought their last pack of SUNNY PRO cards. never heard of them but when i tried them out, they felt even better than the COPAG cards. very crisp and harder than the copags. They, too, are 100% plastic.

Since then, i've played with both.

The COPAGs were damn slippery... made it difficult to shuffle.

One game with the COPAGs and then we used the SUNNY PROs the rest of the night.

So i urge everyone to try the cards out and find out which one is to your preference and liking before buying by brand name alone.
Old 08-07-05, 02:13 AM
Sean Gecko Sean Gecko is offline
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Not that hard to shuffle

I bought a 2 deck pack of COPAGs and found them to be slippery sure at first but they are really nice.
I have weekly games and one big tournament each month. I also play once or twice a week with my roommate . SO they have been through alot in the first two months and seem just like they did when we bought them.
Everyone at the games have really liked them too.
SO you have the thumbs up of about 20 people on the thumbs of COPAGs carrds.
Later all
Sean GEcko
Old 10-19-05, 01:06 AM
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I bought some cards years ago, That were perfect. I can't remember for the life of me who made them, But they had a light green tint to them, Not white like most of the others.

If anybodys knows the company let me Know.

Old 10-28-05, 06:39 PM
Big Slick Big Slick is offline
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I agree that the kem cards are the best. The arrow design is probably the most desirable.
They also come with a lifetime guarantee.
Old 07-14-07, 07:55 AM
rickyponting rickyponting is offline
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KEM cards are the best in tough and flexible plastic cards. KEM cards are among the best for poker. They are super durable and flexible. KEM cards seem to last forever. They are difficult to mark and they can take a lot of wear. Staying crisp and flexible for years, KEM cards are the benchmark for quality. The average life of KEM cards is much longer than that of non-platic cards.
Old 08-21-07, 08:57 PM
wolfpack wolfpack is offline
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Modiano are my favorite, in paticular the cristallos

I have
dal Negro

you can find any card brand at [URL="http://www.tridentcards.com/"]Trident Cards[/URL]

Last edited by HPG ADMIN; 08-23-07 at 09:11 AM.
Old 09-20-11, 03:22 PM
eat sleep poker eat sleep poker is offline
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da vinci cards are very good cards to use i was dealing with them for three years and the never bent or scratched
Old 09-21-11, 07:40 PM
sdocb sdocb is offline
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Bicycle Prestige is a great plastic card for a great price. It's all I use at my home games. To me there is no reason to compensate lack of poker skills or dick size with a $65 deck of Copags!!
Old 09-22-11, 09:50 AM
mrkromer mrkromer is offline
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You can get 2 decks of any of the nice ones now for less than $20 with a case. And they last forever.
Old 09-23-11, 07:08 PM
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twocent06 twocent06 is offline
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copag cards

i have found copag cards to be the best. i have used kem as well, they are good, but not price efficient... i generally use a set(2 decks) of copag cards for about a month before throwing them out of rotation.. so at $15 a set that is very reasonable...( i would estimate that on a month i play about 7 hrs on every mon and fri, so 8 days at 7hrs, is 56 hrs of use for $15)
Old 03-16-12, 10:47 AM
Arkitan Arkitan is offline
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This is why God invented Kijiji.com! O.o
Old 04-14-12, 04:08 PM
jeffallard27 jeffallard27 is offline
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Plastic cards

I'd go with KEM all day! The finish won't wear off on them like it does on Copag brand. you can find them on ebay or online in general for about 15-18 bucks for 2 decks.
Old 05-01-12, 04:11 PM
Afpokerguy85 Afpokerguy85 is offline
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I'd have to agree I do love my copag but after a thousand or so hands you will notice ink wear BUT I think copag has better card designs.. decisions decisions decisions!
Old 05-27-12, 10:34 PM
WSOP Club WSOP Club is offline
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KEM! Best prices now are on eBay, around $24 per double deck set up. Go ahead and pay it, you won't be disappointed. I pick up 2-3 sets at once (to get a break on shipping). After around 1 1/2 years, I sell the used decks (even though they are still in very good condition!) to players in my poker leagues for $10 per double deck and just buy new ones. One more thing--get the BRIDGE SIZE (not "poker size). The bridge size are easier to shuffle and are the same size used in casinos!
Old 05-29-12, 03:05 PM
mrkromer mrkromer is offline
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On the bridge size ones, do they have the jumbo index? We usually get the poker width for that. Tough to see flops from the end of the table with the small index cards.
Old 05-30-12, 07:51 AM
remmmdog remmmdog is offline
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Originally Posted by mrkromer View Post
On the bridge size ones, do they have the jumbo index? We usually get the poker width for that. Tough to see flops from the end of the table with the small index cards.
They are offered in jumbo and regular index.
Old 08-06-13, 03:45 PM
pauljnelson pauljnelson is offline
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I have some used COPAGs....
I run a game 2 nights a week and i get new cards every month. These cards are perfect just not as slick anymore. None are bend or anything. I'm selling a set for 10 bucks (thats 2 decks) in case.
Contact Paul 214-791-7285
Old 09-10-13, 04:53 AM
EliCash_ EliCash_ is offline
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Who need cards, when you can hook up your home game from a tablet and have the hold cards pushed to your smartphones. Check out adeckofcards dot net!

This is not a commercial since no one is making money on this web application. I know that because have I made it myself. Im not selling it, I am not commercialising it. I have made it because me and my friends thought it would be a neat way to play home game poker.

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