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Old 02-28-05, 01:41 AM
pokerp1mp84 pokerp1mp84 is offline
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pokerp1mp84's Journal

Old 02-28-05, 01:41 AM
pokerp1mp84 pokerp1mp84 is offline
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Top 10

Here is a page from Phil Hellmuth Jr., Highly reguarded as the best tournament poker player in the world, and My personal favorite.

When you Break Hold\'em down into a basic element, what is good to play often comes into question. For those of you just starting out, here is a list of the top 10 Starting hands in hold\'em:
1. A-A
2. K-K
3. Q-Q
4. A-K
5. J-J
6. 10-10
7. 9-9
8. 8-8
9. A-Q
10. 7-7

When I want to play \'tight\' and just sit at a table and waite for the chips to come to me, I stick to the list. Of course you have to have the skills to know how to bet these \'monster\' hands so as to keep the \'river rafters\' out of your pot, but not to aggressive so you don\'t get any action.
Old 02-28-05, 11:33 PM
pokerp1mp84 pokerp1mp84 is offline
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Betting the Pocket Pair

Ok, now that you know the top 10 hands in Hold\'em, lets learn how to best represent them (or any pocket pair) before the flop.

Lets say that:
-You are in a 5 handed 5/10 NL game.
-You are on the button with 7d, 7s.
-The first person to act folds, the person in 2nd position calls the Big Blind
-With only 1 other caller in the hand the correct thing to assume is that the small blind will call and the big blind will check.
-Your action at this point would be to raise, Makeing it 2 (or 3) bets to go. IF the person in 2nd position would have raised the pot before you had a chance to bet, the correct action would still be to raise the pot. Makeing it 3 bets to go.
-At 3 bets the people in the blinds are no longer a sure thing to be in the hand, and that is what you are looking for. You do not what people in on a draw to take your pot out from under your nose by catching cards on the turn or the river.
---The Flop---
Lets say that the small blind folded, the big blind called and the person in 2nd position also called.
-The flop comes out 9c, 9s, 3h
-This is a very good flop for you. the 2 (9)nines mean that the odds of catching trips are very low, not only because there are 2 on the board, but because they came out on the flop, and because makeing it 3 bets to go before the flop ment that you most likely pushed out the mid range suited connector type of player. At this point your action would be to bet or raise. If the first person to act checks, or makes it 1 bet to go, the raise would be the correct call here. If he makes it 2 bets to start you would want to think about just calling.
-The big blind folds. You are now heads up.
---The Turn---
-The turn comes out 6h. Your turn to act.
-Again you should raise. You will get a feel for your opponent through out the hand, At this point that should come into play a little. You should atleast make it 1 bet to go, but you will also want to consider 2 bets, or about 1/2 the total pot(because it is NL, in a limit game you can only make it 1 bet). If the person was in on a straight draw they will fold. Odds are they are also in on moderate pocket pair (same as you are) but you being the aggressor means that they will assume you are holding KK or AA. They will most likely fold, but lets say they call your 2 bet.
---The River---
-The river comes out 10c
-You guessed it. We are raising the pot. Again 2 bets. If your opponent calls. the turn over your cards and show him the goods. By this time, a 2 bet raise should put him out of the hand, if he did not already fold on the turn.

Hope this helps out. Next time: Playing A-X
Old 07-14-05, 06:18 PM
sp1s sp1s is offline
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Re: Betting the Pocket Pair

Old 03-13-18, 02:25 AM
MosesDaniel MosesDaniel is offline
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 4
I'am a beginner in poker games what you shared its really useful about starting hands as i always play online games now trying to play in real time world of casino....Hope good

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