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Old 09-16-05, 02:39 PM
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Skill involved in Texas Holdem.

How much luck and how much skill are involved in Texas Holdem, or is it a 50/50 split?
Old 09-16-05, 02:58 PM
Posts: n/a
I think that poker is 75% skill and 25% luck.
Old 09-16-05, 03:00 PM
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When you win in poker it's all skill. When you lose it's a game of (bad) luck.

Seriously, I'd say you can't win a tournament without luck. At the same time, you can't win consistently without skill.
Old 10-06-05, 09:17 AM
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agree totally with the lat post
Old 10-06-05, 02:38 PM
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The better you play the more poker is about skill.

For bad players its all about luck
Old 10-07-05, 09:25 AM
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cards go around!!!!

Cmon guys, there is no set skill/luck ratio in poker and it always annoys me when people make estimates about this (especially really outlandish ones like 25% luck!?!?!?). Whoever posted that is clearly not a good player and I would love to have him at my card table.

Do you know how lucky this would make some of the top players mathematically?? (eg. Dan Harrington making the final table in 2003 and 2004 WSOP with thousands of players in the pool.)

I think Chris Ferguson puts it best: on any given hand (short run) poker is 99% luck, but in the long run its 100% skill. Cards go around. Luck doesn't grant, it just lends.
Old 10-13-05, 09:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Poker is a card game. As all card games it is a game of chance. Unlike some card games it isn't all luck. For any given hand, given day, or given week luck may be the deciding factor. Play an infinite number of hands and it is purely down to skill who wins.

The long-term in poker can be very long term, but eventually luck plays no part.
Old 12-02-06, 10:05 AM
partyholdem partyholdem is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1
I personally think that poker is more a game of skill, than a matter of luck, and that is because in poker, the winner in a hand, at a table, or in a tournament does not depend only on the cards he gets!

We all know that in poker it also exist things such as deception, bluffing, reading your opponents, even psychology, etc.! That is why I think that poker, no matter of its variation is much more a game of skill and talent, than a matter of luck!

Bryan Nelson
Old 12-03-06, 10:11 AM
Posts: n/a
It all depends....

on what level you play. The lower the buy-in's the more luck plays its part. Regularly, players will call big bets with low pockets knowing they are big underdogs, but also knowing that they could hit their set.
This is relying on luck, which is not great in the long run, but a common practice in lower level online games.
MY guess would be that more skill is required in the bigger buy in games - but my experience of low level buy ins - is I'd rather be lucky than skillful.

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