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Old 02-03-05, 12:59 AM
Victoryman Victoryman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Can't beat him

New poster, excuse me if this isn't the place to post this but I don't know exactley where it fits. I just can't beat this kid in our weekly game. I've gone heads up against him and lost like 5 times now and its starting to piss me off. He's a loose player. Practically plays til every flop. Up and down most of the night but he usually ends up in the final 2 or 3. He bets real aggressivly and I can't get a read on him. I've tried fighting his aggression with more aggression but it seems he can continuously make a higher pair when I come back over the top of his bet on a pair or something like that. I've tried being rather conservative. Playing only hands where I have some kind of higher connecting cards. Not chasing a flush or a straight til 5th street. I've tried mixing it up b/w aggressive and conservative. I just can't figure out what to do. Any suggestions? I know this isn't much to go on but anything you got would be helpful. Thanks
Old 02-03-05, 09:37 AM
Posts: n/a
heads up

Playing someone who is over aggressive you are making some right moves by slwo playing big hands and let him come over the top of you. A couple of things that I like to do when going heads up depending on your chipstack is either
1.) All in with A-something it sounds crazy but it puts pressure on the other person.
2.) Just call or raise small with a big pocket pair allowing the over-aggresive player to come over the top of you and once he's commited the chips push him all in.

The most important thing in heads up though is chip stack which gives you leverage. If you have more chips than if he chooses to play the hand let him know that it will cost him the rest of his chips to play. In the end its whose more willing to gamble.

Thats just my style.
Old 03-08-05, 01:09 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 23
Play tight till you get a hand and then match his aggression. Bust him a few times and he'll learn or go broke. Dont let him push you into a hand that you dont feel comfortable betting with, fold out and chose you're battles.
Old 12-21-06, 03:45 AM
AceofSpader AceofSpader is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 21
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Playing someone who is over aggressive you are making some right moves by slwo playing big hands and let him come over the top of you. A couple of things that I like to do when going heads up depending on your chipstack is either
1.) All in with A-something it sounds crazy but it puts pressure on the other person.
2.) Just call or raise small with a big pocket pair allowing the over-aggresive player to come over the top of you and once he's commited the chips push him all in.

The most important thing in heads up though is chip stack which gives you leverage. If you have more chips than if he chooses to play the hand let him know that it will cost him the rest of his chips to play. In the end its whose more willing to gamble.

Thats just my style.
Poker life lesson #1: Always have your opponents try to beat you and let your intuition kick in.

If you have crap, simply fold.

Itll happen eventually.


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