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Old 06-10-05, 03:19 PM
5thStreetPokerParties.com 5thStreetPokerParties.com is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 15
Cool Dealer Quality

What would you all consider to be the traits that make a good dealer?
Old 06-11-05, 01:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Good Dealer

a good dealer has a lot of good traits. sometimes they are subtle but definatly noticeable.

1. don't bs with the players, it slows the game down
2. always keep an eye on everything that is happening
-know where the button is
-know what the betting structure is
-know what the bet is
-know how to split a pot
-know how to count a pot
3.dont call out stupid stuff like any club or look at the straight, and also dont let the players do it either. i have seen to many times that a player was about to do something until either the dealer said something or he didnt make it know that the players shouldnt say anything
4.if you dont get a tip dont keep grinding on it, lie nice hand man nice hand man nice hand man hey i'm working here. let it go, they will catch on and usually get you big once they do catch on
5.sit up straigh and smile, if you are a dealer grinder, (like most good home games) man you are working for the tips and maybe part of the rake, this is a job to you, dont lean all over the table, cry about crap, just do your damn job.
6.KNOW THE GAME KNOW THE GAME KNOW THE GAME, if you dont know how to play a particular game damn sure dont deal it.
7.Dont play and deal, you are working for tips, dont play with your tips against the people who are going tp give you tips, that is just dumb.
8.Dont be scared and dumb when you misdeal, it is going to happen deal with it. know what to do though when it does happen, know the proper steps if you screw up halfway through a hand.

I have been dealing for the last 5 years at some of the less than legal games here in TX. It is a great job, it is fun, dont be nervous. Just be ready cause when people loose when they play 7h3c, they are not going to blame it on the stellar calls they made with such a premium hand they are going to blame it on the random number generator giving the cards to the board and the opponants. Deal Deal Deal just freaking deal. Let the players play the cards, you have the balls to keep the game in line properly, one player per hand, you are the police keeping the game in order.

Old 06-13-05, 11:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Hey, where do you deal? I play at several card rooms in Dallas. I am looking to break into the dealing business. Respond with minimum info as I can dechiper. Thanks

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