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Old 11-21-11, 11:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888??

Hi i play NL FR and basically I played slightly winning poker at stars (2nl) 4.5BB/100 over ~9k hands. Then I switched to 888 over summer because i heard the games were so so much softer and i would be able to move up faster. This seems to be true ive played 4.5k hands and im winning 18BB/100 at 2nl and at 6nl, 6BB/100 over 10k hands (including the first 2k hands where i was getting used to a higher limit and loosing).

Now however I am taking shots at 10nl (not doing great but hopefully improving) and have the goal to get to 25nl by summer/the end of summer.

My question is although there are plenty of 10nl games running at 888 they arent that loose and players/flop seems to be about the same as back on stars. Also i have been checking out the VIP calculator on the stars site and it says that i would get (playing 9 hours/week, 6 tables of 10nl FR) $625 in bonuses in 2011 and $3k!!! in 2012 now this seems unbelievable as the bonuses on 888 arnt great. Finally the 20nl games at 888 seem pretty tough and there arnt that many.

So since the reason i moved to 888 was because of the bad players at 2nl and 6nl, and im now playing 10nl so that doesnt matter and because of the great bonuses at stars and because im going to have to move back at 25nl anyway, should i move back to stars now, or wait for 25nl? or will the level of player at stars 10nl be a lot higher than a 888 10nl player?

Thanks, I know it might have been hard to understand!

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