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Old 06-03-04, 05:22 PM
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Tournament with about 30 people in it, 225.00 entry fee for 800.00 in chips. Two people go all in about the third hand in, preflop, they both have kings. They are about to split it, and one of the guys say, just run the cards see what comes up (should have done anyways, but everyone was like wow, same hand). So they run the cards, two clubs and a spade come up, then runner runner clubs and guy that opened his mouth to run the cards gets knocked out by guy that hits flush with his kings. That had to hurt, especially since everyone had assumed it was a split and started to muck everything. Ah well, that was a bad one
Old 06-08-04, 09:18 PM
Posts: n/a

In the no-limit tournament with 4000 people in it, I had 5 and 7 suited (spade)with about 750 chips, I was small blind(15) and there was no raise so I naturally called 30. only 2 other people stayed in with me. The flop came with 8,6,6,(2 spade) I checked, the big blind checked also, the other guys bet 30, so I called because I had both straight and flush draw, the big blind folded. The turn came with a 4 of spade, I went all in with a straight, the other calls. he had 8 and 5 offsuit. I laughed at the careless mistake he made. However, my smile disappeared when the river comes with another 8, giving him a full house(8 full of 6s). He won with only 2 outs from the remaining 44 cards, that hurt really badly because I went from 2.5k to 700 because my pocket 10s lost to an AK offsuit the previous hand. Upon seeing this I typed God feels unlucky today in the chat box and close pokerstars.
Old 06-14-04, 01:15 AM
Posts: n/a

I was playing in a 9 person $50 sit and go NL game. There were 6 left and I was second in chips with about 2000. I had K3 and was in the big blind. There were a couple calls and I checked. The flop came K 2 3. I had top two pair on the flop. I raised about 400 and got one caller. The turn was a two. I bet about 500 and the guy called, so now I\'m worried that he has a 2. Luckily the river is a king so I have the boat kings full of threes. I go all in and much to my surprise I am called. Of the 169 possible hands in poker, only one can beat me and that is 2 2, and guess what the guy has- yep 2 2. That dropped me down well into last place with like 200 chips.
Old 06-19-04, 05:12 AM
Posts: n/a
River Belle

Im playing in a satellite to the world championship PL tournament in Dublin Ireland....Top 3 get a $12,000 all expenses paid prize package. There are 5 people left and I am 2nd in chips...Chip leader is on my right and in the small blind as I am the big blind...He is guaranteed a trip if he just sits out with so many chips...He is at about 125k and I am at 60k....blinds are 8k and 16k...He raises the small blind too 50k and obvious blind steal...I have pocket queens...He thinks the entire time and of course he calls the 10k raise...He flips over 2 4 offsuit...Im thinking in off to ireland...Flop comes 3 6 j....turn is a 10 and the river is, you guessed it the 5, for his gut shot straight...$100 consolation prize i got
Old 06-24-04, 09:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Live Game

Im playing a live tournament getting dealt crap all day, finally I get Big Slick in the 5th posistion of a ten player table, blinds were 100/200 I raised to an even thousand get one caller. Flop comes Ac Kd 7s. Guy checks to me I raise all in about 4000 in chips. He calls with As Ts. Catchs runner runner spades for flush and knocks me out. Worst beat of my career by far.
Old 06-29-04, 01:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Home Game

No Limit Game. 5 Handed I\'m BB got delt KK. Dealer Flips an Ace while dealing killing the Ace. SB makes small raise, I only call hoping to trap. Flop comes down K 2 7, all off suites. SB moves all in for about $325, I call. He\'s holding A K. He has to catch both Aces left in the deck to win. Turn Ace, River last Ace in deck hits the board. The worst part of it all, my own brother was the dealer.
Old 07-04-04, 05:02 PM
Posts: n/a

HEY GOD FROM POKER STARS, if i read correctly you lost to a full house with a straight flush, you said u had 5-7 spades, flop came 8-6-6 2 spades so now u have open ended straight flush draw 5-6-7-8, and the 4 of spades came on the turn, at that point nothing can beat you. I think you either messed the suits up, or your really bad at making a story up
Old 07-09-04, 08:59 PM
Posts: n/a

$1/$2 NL Hold\'em: I play very loose, make a lot of bluffs, and after a while that becomes apparent to the table, and I use it to my advantage. The previous hand I had caught a middle pair, and raised and raised and raised and someone else called me all the way down and I lost... Next hand I\'m dealt a pair of 3\'s in the hole, hoping to catch a set, I am the 4th in line and call the $2 bet... all 9 people stay in the pot for $2. Flop comes K Q 3 unsuited, the check comes to me and I immediately go all-in for $200 hoping someone might try and call me on a bluff like they usually do. Everyone folds but the last man, who is holding A K. He calls, the turn comes a King, now i have 3\'s full against his 2-pair, but the river comes an ace and somehow I lose... I was in shock... 1/66 chance of happening... you have better chances pulling a card from a full deck. I lost only profits because I had just cashed out the rest 2 minutes prior, and I have a feeling pokerstars was feeling vengeful
Old 07-15-04, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a
Live Table

Sitting BB 2 callers, I get A,4 hearts...flop comes A,4,2 rainbow...first guy $60 bet, 2nd guy calls, I go all in...both players call...one has pocket 4\'s the other, pocket 2\'s. Wait, it gets better...4th street, no help...the river: 2. Cost me $400 w/ top two...I rolled after that one!
Old 07-20-04, 04:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Playing in a multi table tourney. I have As Js, one guy goes all in, another calls his all in and also puts himself all in. That leaves me with a decision, and I go all in since I needed the chips. All betting was done after the flop. Flop was Ks 10s 6c and when all cards are flipped over, you see the first guy with pocket A\'s (he had Ah and Ac) and the 2nd guy with pocket 6\'s (so he made his set of 6\'s) 4th card is 10c and last card is 8s, so I made my flush, however the guy with the pocket 6\'s made a full boat, knocking me and the other guy out. That sucked, he became chip leader and went on to do well.
Old 07-25-04, 08:49 AM
Casino Hand
Posts: n/a

here\'s a recap of what happened to me on Sunday...I get to Foxwoods and decide to play in the big no-limit game (min. $200 buy-in, but most people usually have 500-1k), so I buy-in for a dime...after about 4-5 hours I was up to about $1,500 when THE HAND happened...i had been getting a good read on people, playing well w/out the cards and steadily increasing my stacks...i\'m two off from the button when the player under the gun raises to $25 and someone else raises to $50...I look down at J-J and raise to $150, the button thinks about it for a minute a decides to call and the other two fold...the button was an ok player but I was nervous when he just called b/c he had been re-raising everyone when he had a medium pair 6\'2-10\'s and shown it after he got people to lay down, so his call made me think A-A or K-K, worst A-K and was trying to trap me...flop comes down J-J-3...flopped quad Jacks..i wait for a minute and check, the button thinks for a few minutes and checks, turn brings an A - which is great for me since I had him on A-A and hope he makes his full house - I lead out and bet the pot - $300, he waits and re-raises all-in for about $1,600 - dream situation, couldn\'t shove my stacks in the middle quick enough as I call - now over $3,100 in the pot...he sees my jacks as does the rest of the table - everyone telling me how well I played that hand and trapped him, but to quote Lee Corso, Not so fast my friends! the dealer raps the table, burns a card and turns up....A!!!that\'s right, he caught running Aces to beat my quad Jacks...I
Old 07-30-04, 12:46 PM
Posts: n/a

I\'m down to the finial table of a $5 dollar tournie, winner get $450. 3 people left with about the same amount... we all out all in on pre flop...well because I have AA! Flop was Ad-Kd-2s 4th street was 2d (I\'m thinking I\'m done that split second) River comes to another 2!!! He calls my close to half mill with pocket 2\'s!!! Would have lost the tournie and all....2\'s! Won $175
Old 08-04-04, 04:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Playing in the PPMillion down to the final 4 tables. 28 players move on to the cruise. I could have almost blinded my way to the prize. But, I look down and see the ladies in the pocket. I figure I\'ll play em conservative and be willing to throw them away. One player raises, and I flat call. Flop comes 2, 7, Q, rainbow. He comes out betting, and I raise him. He calls. Turn is the 2nd 7 giving me the nut boat. Since I was observing his play and had him on an overpair. He bets strong on the turn and I shove all in. He paused for a minute, and I prayed he\'d fold. River is an Ace. I knew it was my kiss of death card when it showed up because it obviously gave him his aces full. Not the worst on this page, but it kept me from the WPT cruise trip, so I see it as about a $7500. bad beat. Bad enough by my books.
Old 08-09-04, 08:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Three great ones. In fact, I don\'t think the first one can be topped. 1) I\'m in the big blind and I have 55, guy limps in on button and I check. Flop is 55x so I\'ve got quads and I check, guy bets and I raise, he goes all in and I call immediately. Cards are flipped up and he has KK...turn K, river K. By the way, the very next hand he cracked my Aces with quad 6\'s. It was a great day. 2) While the above is bad, this one probably hurt the most because it was a WSOP qualifier. About 15 of us left in the tourney and I\'m in third. Chip leader limps in and I have a 24s in the big blind and I check. Flop is A35 rainbow so I flopped the nut straight. I check, he leads out and I call. Turn is a 4, not the card I wanted to see but I\'m still in good shape. I lead out, he raises, I reraise all in and he calls. Cards come up he has A4, river 4. 3)Pick up AA and raise and get two callers. Flop is A3K rainbow and I check, guy leads out, other guy folds and I call. Turn comes K and the guy leads out and I raise, he raises all in and I call with Aces full. He shows KT off. River K.
Old 08-15-04, 12:36 AM
Posts: n/a

no need to make up bull because i honestly forgot the suits, but it didn\'t matter in this particular hand. i was playing 10-20 for the first time . . i usually play 5-10 and was doing pretty well. this hand came up. i had 88 and raised. one caller. i flop a set that also included a Q and another rag (which i forgot but is irrelevant). he bets after the flop and i raise and he calls). i put him on AQ. the turn comes a Q. This is wonderful if i were correct about his AQ, giving him trip Q\'s and completing my 8\'s full. on the turn betting is capped. the only card i did not want to see were an A or a K (he mite have had KQ). river A, so i am thinking OMG i swear he has AQ so he bets and i only call. i had him preflop, after the flop, after the turn, and he rivers me a better house as i lose almost a $400 pot . . . i felt like phil ivey when moneymaker rivered his Q\'s full of aces against ivey\'s 9\'s full in 2003 WSOP (only to 100000x\'s lesser degree) . . . and i smartly move back down to 5-10 after losing 1/2 my bankroll. of course this has probably happened to many people, but this was not a great way to start in my first day i felt i would venture into 10-20. the only plus i got was that the player said he would put in his player notes that i was a good player for not reraising on the river by reading his AQ. WOW. . i would rather win the pot, but thanks, i guess.
Old 08-20-04, 04:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Home Game Tournament

playing in a tournament me and my opponent are the last two left. Pre flop he raises all in with Ace of Hearts King of Clubs. I figure alright this is going to be a split pot unless spades come out. The flop and turn come he draws 4 clubs to the King High flush, I didn\'t even need to see the river card! now thats pretty crazy
Old 08-25-04, 08:29 AM
Posts: n/a
ultimate bet

this is not the worst bad beat ever but i cud of dropped the person who beat me. the person i lost 2 was 1 off them annoyin people who just raise, raise, raise dont u just hate them?. any way i was playin 4 real money on a nl-table, blinds 50-£1. i started wiv £9 and built it right up near £35 evry1 folds i had a great hand pocket hooks (jacks) im in the bb and the sb raised about £6 i thought thats a bit much hes tryin 2 steal my blind (y coz it was only £1) so i jus flat called (while thinking im gonna hav u likin my lips) the flop comes 6d,7d,jh. i flopped a set (i then nearly get a stiffy coz i h8 this player)he raised the pot so i jus flat called again the turn brings another diamond im thinkin cud he hav a flush so he fires out a massive £15 by now hes got me thinkin so i bite my balls and raise all in over the top of him (by the way iv got my twin bro sittin next 2 me sayin wot the f*!* r u doin) he calls im thinkin o poo he turns over hes got Ad 5c so im sittin there laughin sayin wot a mov 2 my bro he then literally gets a stiffy then here it cums the river will i drown or will i swim wiv a nice bank balance over it cums king of f**in diamonds i flippin drown like a swimmer wiv no arms the jacksy punk done me over and i nearly got in a fight wiv my bro (so if ur readin this im gonna get u) lol
Old 08-30-04, 12:26 PM
Posts: n/a
paradise poker

I take bad beats all the time, but the one I like the best was a couple weeks back. I had QQ flop come Q-7-4, turn a K, river a K. Guy who I made it a lot of bets with on all betting rounds turns over KQ. If anyone can figure out the odds of him having the case Q and flopping top pair, only to catch his only out of running Kings. I was amazed...
Old 09-04-04, 04:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Was a 10 SNG, i had 97 in SB, flop comes 996, i slow play and check, 4 players, turn comes 4, i bet BB stays in, river comes 2 bet big he goes all in i call, he had 53, he went runner runner straight, i did the math on cardplayer and he was a 1.5% to win the hand after the flop. Those were the only two cards that could win the hand for win and they both had to come.
Old 09-09-04, 08:19 PM
Posts: n/a

playing in $100 NL with about $70. dealt 8s 9s, on the big so i play it. flop comes 10s, Js Qs, I almost fall out of my chair. I decide to slow play it so I check. Chip leader with about $500 bets $5. I call, as do 2 others. Turn comes Jh, same deal I check money bags raises $10, one guy drops the other calls so do I. River comes 4h. This time I bet $20, chip leader calls it next guy goes all in $115, I call and Donald Trump calls. We turn them over and I cry as I\'m sure the other guy did too. Seems Bill Gates had AKs and the third guy had pocket jacks. So a royal bet my straight flush that beat 4 jacks. I have since left party and am looking for a new server, as well as a new bedroom wall, don\'t ask just figure it out.
Old 09-15-04, 12:16 AM
Posts: n/a

just had the worst run of cards ever, played 5 $10 SNG, first one loose in 4th with AQ flop is 410A, guy has 79, turn is 8, river is J, is was 95% to win on flop second tourney, second hand get KK, guy raises i go all in he has AA third tourney, have AK, two others go all in preflop with AQ and A4, guy with AQ is big stack, hits a Q on river fourth tourney, have 99 go all in guy calls with AK, and of course gets a K on the river
Old 09-20-04, 04:13 AM
hmm ill call
Posts: n/a
home game

This isnt a bad beat because I won!!...But ill tell it from the poor losers POV. I (poor loser)have kk....one handsome devil raises it double the blinds. Flop comes q-q-8...handsome checks, i check also. Turn brings my K...K\'s full of Q\'s...i am loving it. Even better the herculean one bets this time...I think hes trying to represent the King to score the big pot. I cooly call, hoping he does actualy have the K...or even a Q for that matter. River brings trash and zeus bets hard...i double his bet and he puts me allin, i call right away. As soon as I call he tosses his cards and starts to grab at the chips..I say not so fast, and toss my pocket k\'s on the table. The handsome devil quickly points out that the cards he tossed on the table were QQ...giving him quads off the flop. Wow. That guy was handsome and lucky!!
Old 09-25-04, 08:10 AM
burned out in vegas
Posts: n/a

The worst bad beat of all is the bad beat story itself. From the moment they say, you\'re not going to believe this, you know exactly what happens. 1. They flop a miracle, (often with sub-standard cards for which they somehow have a reason for being in the pot). 2. A flurry of betting occurs during which time it never occurs to them that maybe they\'re not as far ahead in the game as they thought they were. 3. A TRADGEDY happens, a miracle. Well the very worst beat after the flop is 1080 to 1. (Two perfect cards) Most bad beats are small odds (less than 100 to 1). To hear some people talk, you\'d think that the river card is a new thing that was just started yesterday. AND comparing perfect-perfect in one hand among thousands you may play, to the lifetime odds of death from Exposure to smoke, fire and flames, of 1,116 to 1([url]http://www.nsc.org/lrs/statinfo/odds.htm[/url] ), go ahead and beat me with perfect-perfect, take the few measly dollars I\'ve put in the pot. Oh, and grow up, people sucking out on the river is part of the game.
Old 09-30-04, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Party Poker

This is a bad beat I put on 2 players. At a no-limit cash game I was short stacked and on tilt so I moved all-in over the top of an early position raise with my A-Q. Then middle position goes all-in and the initial raisers moves all-in as well. A-K vs. K-K vs. A-Q (me). I am toast until the flop brings to Queens and I sheepishly collect my money.
Old 10-05-04, 04:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Poker Room

NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT CHASE FLUSH DRAW! No Limit Texas Hold \'Em is painfully ironic, and unfair, at times. At a 0.50-1.00 NL table, I was dealt AK Spades. To slow play the hand, I simply called at the table with 7 other players. Action moved to the big blind before the flop was seen, and, with three callers including the SB, BB bets $10. I considered my options, and decided to just call, while everyone else folded. Flop brought 2S, 5S and J of Diamonds. I placed my opponent on a pocket pair or two suited paints, but wanted to see my flush first. I called a $15 bet on fourth (10 Spades, no flush) and had to fold on the river (10 diamonds). He exposed his cards ... pocket 3s. Cruel ...
Old 10-10-04, 08:00 PM
Posts: n/a

3 players left. i\'m big blind. get dealt pair of nines. I bet 400 chips the other player goes all in 2500 chips I call. he has pair of 6\'s. flop comes out 9-A-3. the turn a 6, the river a six. it still hurts.
Old 10-15-04, 11:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Pacific Poker

ARRGGH! Get dealt AA for my hole cards (was in a $1/£2 limit room) I rase pre flop...after continual raising by myself and one other guy there is just three of us left from a start of 8. Flop comes A K J (diff suits) I raise, 1 guy folds the other guy raises...we raise as much as we can in the limit...turn comes, its a 2...i think im safe. Raising happens just as before...the river comes, another 2. Im happy i have a full house, cant see any logical way i can be beaten...again the raising happens just as before...im thinking he has Q 10 and has flopped a str8, but nothing prepared me for his hole cards... 2 2. I would do the same thing again, last thing i ever expected was the guy to cling on and raise and raise with 2 little ducks...but thats poker, and god it can hurt. Lost about $30/$40 all in.
Old 10-21-04, 03:53 AM
Phil Hellmuth
Posts: n/a
Live Game

I was playing PERFECT poker, and I was doing really well. A hand comes up with this rich executive and I'm dealt AK suited under the gun. I put in about a pot-sized raise and I'm called by the aforesaid man. The flop comes 8 9 10. I move all-in knowing that he probably has AK like me since that\'s the only hand anyone should ever play. He turns over JQ. What a terrible player, seriously!
Old 10-26-04, 07:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Well here\'s 2 for yah: #1)I\'m short stack with AKoffsuit, flop hits my ace (other cards were like 5diamonds 8diamonds) Since im short stacked I go all in, IM UP AGAINST ANOTHER AK OFFSUIT. So I think, ok split pot...He hits 2 more diamonds to give him an ace high flush. #2) Pocket Aces, I raise 3 times the pot preflop, I get a call. I hit an ace on the flop, rainbow. I go all in...The guy calls...he called me with 63 clubs, one club on board, he hits two more to get the flush! This site is full of bad beats....
Old 10-31-04, 11:47 AM
Posts: n/a

i get KQ of diamonds and im on the button so i raise to 8 (nl100) big blind calls. flop comes As Kc Qs. i check to see what this other kid wants to do. he bets 6 i call. turn is the Qh and im thinking SLICE CITY. so i come out and bet hoping he has the straight he doubles my raise and i got all in he calls with Js 10s and of course the next card is the Ks to give him a royal flush over my full house.

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