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Old 06-20-06, 05:26 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,292
Should raked home games be illegal?

I think most of us would agree that un-raked home games should be legal. But should raked home games be illegal? I'm not talking about taking $2 for drinks. I'm talking about games where they take $1-$3 from every hand.
Old 09-28-06, 12:17 AM
Posts: n/a
It all depends. If you have a full service kitchen, and a good variety of drinks ( I serve Red Bull, Monster, sodas, etc) then I see no problem with it. I look at it this way: If you rake a game and people keep coming back, then they accept it as a normal fee for a service. If people aren't happy, then they will let you know. There are NUMEROUS raked games in my area, most are 5-10% and up to $5/pot. I rake 5% up to $3 max (and if 6 or fewer player a max of $1), the lowest in the area. We play for about 10 hours and I make around $300. That covers food and drink, and leaves me with around $100 - $150 in profit. But it's not really profit - my carpet needs to be replaced, my septic needs pumped, etc. There really are a lot of costs (mostly time) involved in running a successful home game. If players bust out, we allow them to deal for tips until they have enough to buy back in. Haven't had any complaints yet.

I used to just charge players 50 cents for soda, $1.50 for a red bull, and supplied food also. I was losing money every week. If you are rich and can afford to run a game on you dollar, go for it. I'm far from being rich, and will never get rich from doing this. It just keeps things a little easier on my wallet.
Old 09-28-06, 02:31 AM
Posts: n/a
that seems fair anough since they get drinks e.t.c and like you say if they come back for more then they accept it.
if anything online rakes should be illegal since it costs them nothing to have you play.
Old 09-28-06, 03:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Smile home game

just dont go they cant rake you if your sitting there.if you sit dont complain
Old 10-12-06, 05:16 PM
Posts: n/a
I think rakes should be illegal during home games.
Make it BYOB or what not and order food and snacks when everyone gets there.

That way its all shared and the only thing you really use is a house and a tv and a bathroom. That can even be rotated amongst the players.
Old 10-13-06, 02:51 PM
Posts: n/a
I dont care what you provide, unless its atleast a professional dealer... what if you dont like to eat or drink while playing? you shouldnt have to pay a rake. that is what a casino is for not a house game. I dont care if your rich or not you shouldnt be raking a house game
Old 10-16-06, 10:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Just My .02.......

Every home game is different. Like an earlier poster mentioned, if one doesn't like the rake, s/he doesn't have to play. I host two home games/week, Wed & Sat:

Wed.: 1-2 NL $100 Buy-in, 5% Rake, Max $5. My housekeeper serves food and beverages (I play in this game). Mostly close friends. My HK usually picks up another $20-30 in tips.

Sat: 2-5 NL $1000 Buy-in - 7% Rake, Max $10. about 75% of the time, I have a dealer from Tunica, but if not available, I will deal instead of play. Max 8 seats, and they are always full. My (cute) 24 year old daughter and one of her (very cute) friends serve this game, and everything is first-rate. The girls always do well, as does the dealer. This game ends at 4 AM, and we will take new players (should someone bust out) until 1 AM. I ALWAYS have a wait list.

The Wed. game is going on 5 years, and the Sat game 3 1/2, so the players must not have a problem w/the rake. Our county sheriff plays in the Sat. game, so I don't sweat it too much. Thank goodness my home is well off the beaten path! Don't think this would go over well in a neighborhood
Old 10-16-06, 01:58 PM
fast eddie 88
Posts: n/a

a 7% rake, your a scumbag and anyone who plays at your place is a moron but hey, if you can find enough people to put up with that, then more power to ya, i guess
Old 10-16-06, 02:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by fast eddie 88
a 7% rake, your a scumbag and anyone who plays at your place is a moron but hey, if you can find enough people to put up with that, then more power to ya, i guess
You bring a professional dealer in, pay them, and let me know how you make out with less than a 7% rake. Better yet, let me join in on your home game that brings a pro dealer in with no rake.....I'll get the best of both worlds: A dealer who knows how to handle a high-stakes game (and the personalities that go with it), plus no rake! I'm ALL-IN!!!

Have a great week
Old 10-16-06, 02:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Unregistered
You bring a professional dealer in, pay them, and let me know how you make out with less than a 7% rake. Better yet, let me join in on your home game that brings a pro dealer in with no rake.....I'll get the best of both worlds: A dealer who knows how to handle a high-stakes game (and the personalities that go with it), plus no rake! I'm ALL-IN!!!

Have a great week
Forgot to mention----make sure it's an 8-handed game, too.....
Old 10-16-06, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a
yeah i guess your supposed to let people come over use your chips and cards wear and tear on your house and not get anything for it.....makes alot of sense to me
Old 10-16-06, 09:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Unregistered
yeah i guess your supposed to let people come over use your chips and cards wear and tear on your house and not get anything for it.....makes alot of sense to me
That's not even it: these guys are ringing up Ruth's Chris and sending one of the gals 50 miles round trip to pick it up...I gladly pick up the check. About a month ago, a guy was down 12k and said he was leaving unless I found a girl to sit in his lap the rest of the night...can you say Acme Escorts? Ends up losing another 4k, but at least he didn't go home (or wherever) alone.......

Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't want to play a 5% rake if what I got was water, chips, and a chance to win $200. At any rate, I was surfing, found this site, dropped in, and now I'm dropping out.

Best of luck to everyone -- even the guy that called me a scumbag. Everyone becomes misguided from time-to-time. I know I have......

See you at the tables

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