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Old 08-14-11, 06:25 AM
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i need help starting a bankroll

i dont want to deposit, freerolls arent working... i got $50 on partypoker, had it up to about 100 (mostly sngs) but got

greedy/frustrated after some bad beats i took my last $33 and gave a $30 sng a try but that was also a 4 place....... can anyone

help me
Old 08-14-11, 06:46 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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I'm not trying to be rude, but . .

Firstly, I don't think anyone will give you money.

Secondly, people giving you money won't make a difference. Your bankroll management is so inept that you are mathematically guaranteed to lose all your money. You can't bet your whole wad on a single SNG. If your bankroll is $33, then you should be playing $5 SNGs at most.
Old 08-14-11, 05:19 PM
kidpoker15 kidpoker15 is offline
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You should look up Chris Ferguson's rules for bankroll management. They are kind of strict but they will almost guarantee you won't loose your entire BR.

Old 08-22-11, 07:33 PM
palpatine palpatine is offline
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Easy way for unlimited bankroll. Buy in for 1 dollar go allin every hand until you bust or double up. If you double up go to another table and start over for $1. If you lose buy in for $2 continue to go allin till bust or double up if you lose next time buy in for $4 then $8 then $16 and so on and so on till you win one if you reach the table limit just go to higher stakes table. Anybody out there tell me how this can lose aint no way aint no how and even doin this system four just $1 at a time 4 tableing online you still make $30 an hour. Thanks for playin!
Old 03-24-12, 01:20 PM
bluegarage bluegarage is offline
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Originally Posted by palpatine View Post
Easy way for unlimited bankroll. Buy in for 1 dollar go allin every hand until you bust or double up. If you double up go to another table and start over for $1. If you lose buy in for $2 continue to go allin till bust or double up if you lose next time buy in for $4 then $8 then $16 and so on and so on till you win one if you reach the table limit just go to higher stakes table. Anybody out there tell me how this can lose aint no way aint no how and even doin this system four just $1 at a time 4 tableing online you still make $30 an hour. Thanks for playin!
It's people(idiots) with this mentality that allow some to make money at poker! Thanks for playing!
Old 08-23-11, 12:38 PM
sjralph21 sjralph21 is offline
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LOL. This method doesn't work at the roulette table where you are almost 1:1 odds. So it definitely won't work with odds at a poker table where you are much more exploitable. Lose 5 hands in a row and you are down $31: which is EXTREMELY possible. The only way this EVER works is if you have an unlimited bankroll.

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