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Old 12-06-10, 04:26 AM
Offsuit27 Offsuit27 is offline
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Born or made?

Hi All...

I want to make this post really an interesting one....It's all about poker theory!!

Do you guys think poker players are born or made? Would love reading your views

Old 12-06-10, 08:41 AM
deckerdd deckerdd is offline
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I am of the opinion no one is born to do something or not do something. Anything can be learned. It is a matter of desire. If the person wants it bad enough they can overcome whatever challenge is thrown in front of them.

There are folks that believe certain people have an edge doing certain types of things. Trust me this is not a birthright. Whatever the situation, the successful person learned from past life experiences. Sometimes the connections are so obscure they are difficult to comprehend so it is just easier to believe, "Oh he/she was born to do this or that..." Well I say not true. Anything can be learned and anyone can learn it. Barring physical inabilities there is nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it.

Poker is exactly the same. Study, train, play, learn, repeat, until world champion.
Old 12-08-10, 07:54 AM
Offsuit27 Offsuit27 is offline
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Location: Hartford
Posts: 111
Thanks for your views...I myself believe that it is the made ones actually that stands the test of time...

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