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Old 06-16-09, 12:26 AM
Danimal2000 Danimal2000 is offline
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Angry Full tilt poker is completely rigged

Ive never seen such blatant BS. I flop the nuts against the worse players bottom %20 and get sucked out on time after time. Its just not possible. How do they get away with this? I ask support about this and they say our game is random. How do you lose being a 20 to 1 fave post flop dozens of times in a row. I thought I was being paranoid but after crunching the numbers I discovered the odds were over 667000 to one losing so many like that. This is real money, how the hell do they get away with it? Im still up there but moving on. If you value your money stay away, maybe because I complained they flagged me I dont know but Im telling you dont play there its not right. I could show you the hand histories their beyond belief. Again I ask is their an honest site to play on?
Old 06-16-09, 09:04 AM
buck22 buck22 is offline
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Luck runs in weird streaks that doesn't look random when it is. A month ago i couldve sworn something was goin on with the RNG, so many action flops eg flush under flush trips under trips + bad beat city dropped me 15 buyins, but your stats really do need to be taken over a huge number of hands to make a fair judgement.
Im not saying fulltilt is 100% genuine but poker can be crazy. Everyone says pokerstars or jokerstars is rigged but ive been grinding a $200 stake for 6 months and got around $5k, mega swings on the way, but it's about right for what i shouldve won. This was about 100,000 hands and the feeling i get is that it would be impossible to not get your true results over this period. I recommend pokerstars for many reasons and can say im 99% sure their RNG is coshure.
Remember poker is a game designed for the masses to lose, a year ago my pokerstars stats where terrible even though i'd read 5-6 books and played for 4 years, thats because I had holes in my game, i tilted more, i didnt manage my bankroll well, and wasn't approaching the game with the same logic i do today. AA vs KK and house vs house takes care of themselves, all breakeven over time, the real skill and profit is in the marginal hands, and how you react under the stress of it. So good luck, grind on, and i recommend pokerstars, it rules!
Old 08-12-09, 01:34 AM
Falkie2008 Falkie2008 is offline
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Smile Rigged poker sites

I don't recall if it was Full Tilt but back to the time of Moneymaker or Raymer I began to keep track of how many times I was dealt a 2 as part of my starting hand. Out of 100 deals, I got a 2 -57 times. Somehow that doesn't seem very random to me.

I am doing much better than I did with playing than when I first started. I now muck bad hands rather than playing them and think I would have a better chance at winning some real money than I did back then when I lost my initial bankroll.

I own about 50 poker books and have read them all cover to cover and even watching tv has given me help with betting.

As I was offline for a year due to illness, anyone have any idea what games I could play to win money to buy a newer Imac ? By this I mean the best chance to win.

My Imac is 10 years old. I don't need a new one, which would be nice, but this Imac is freezing a lot and even $ 250-300 would give me one with a larger screen and more memory/speed.

Last edited by Falkie2008; 08-12-09 at 01:38 AM. Reason: added 1 line which was important to my thesis
Old 08-12-09, 03:54 AM
VA Poker VA Poker is offline
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The best way to make some quick cash with the least amount of variance is singe table sit n go's IMO. The games on Pokerstars are usually really soft at the $20 and under level. They pay 3 out of 9 and tight play will usually get you in the money atleast 50%of the time, resulting in a pretty respectful ROI. They also have double ups now, which I don't think they had a year or so ago. They are 10 player sit n go's that break when 5 players are left, doubling up all 5 winners. At the $20 and under range, these are extremly soft. Even though the only goal is to make it to the top 5 and a big stack means nothing, most players at these levels have a really hard time laying down things like top pair. The double ups attract the worst online players because its hard to go broke really fast playing those no matter how bad you are. As far as sites go, I play on Playersonly, and Pokerstars and would recommend both. Good luck.
Old 08-12-09, 03:38 PM
Falkie2008 Falkie2008 is offline
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making money fast

Thanks for the info. I will have to see which sites allow me to use my Imac. In the next few months, I will be buying a new pc and router so I can play my pc games and thus play poker on all sites.

I really appreciate the information.

Is there anyway to save posts as a pdf file so I can look at them offline ?
Old 05-02-10, 09:14 AM
lucjozef lucjozef is offline
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I just learn to play poker 2 years ago, i like to play rush poker on fulltiltpoker,so i see more then a 1000 hands on a evening.
I sometimes also believe online poker is rigged.
But after i won a tournament on full tilt, and hit the royal flush playing videopoker on partypoker,i change my believes:-)
Last month i played for the first time a real tournament in a belgian casino.And i saw there the same bad beats then on the internet.Maybe we have to think that if poker is 70 procent skill,and 30 procent luck and that the site takes 10 percent,only the best 30 procent off players will make money in the longterm.
Old 05-03-10, 07:39 AM
Offsuit27 Offsuit27 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danimal2000 View Post
Ive never seen such blatant BS. I flop the nuts against the worse players bottom %20 and get sucked out on time after time. Its just not possible. How do they get away with this? I ask support about this and they say our game is random. How do you lose being a 20 to 1 fave post flop dozens of times in a row. I thought I was being paranoid but after crunching the numbers I discovered the odds were over 667000 to one losing so many like that. This is real money, how the hell do they get away with it? Im still up there but moving on. If you value your money stay away, maybe because I complained they flagged me I dont know but Im telling you dont play there its not right. I could show you the hand histories their beyond belief. Again I ask is their an honest site to play on?

Well, i experienced that too in that site. My earnings is gone little by little. That site is rigged.
Old 08-30-10, 11:28 AM
bobbybits bobbybits is offline
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Fulltilt is Fullytilted against players. There is noway saying oh how nice it is to play on Fulltilt it isn't. There is always some chump hitting you with a gutshot straight or a backdoor flush whilst your holding the best hand preflop and flop. Not mention everytime you have pockets the guy next to you has higher or lower and his pockets play. The site runs flush about 75% of the time and backdoor flushes hit on Fulltilt like nowhere else. Bad beats happen in poker in live play or online but guaranteed they aren't everyhand and generally the better hand wins in live play. On Fullytilted expect the opposite the worse hands wins and the donk always plays it. Not to mention the fact like a drop of hat cards change form so suddenly. To the point of getting dealt nothing at all for x amount of hands no playable cards the same kicker, time and time again while being dealt the same card combo and even the exact same cards for hours on end everywhere ring game tourney sng. Quite obvious they have players who work them playing on there site aswell when seeing some donk allin on 2/3 offsuite to my pocket 66s and win and the same person who has only won the last 8 hands, playing as poor previously hands and taking it down against pockets aces to his backdoor flush on his 8/3 suited etc. This doesn't happen in live play why are we getting mugged off online. playing on fulltilt is like a fat slag sitting on your face, her pussy might be nice though proably isn't, but nevermind I can't breathe. How come it it was when I first created my account everything hit for the first games no matter where I played I could play a 9/3 offsuited and hit quads. After a few wins I get dealt the same kicker and my pictures, pockets, aren't anywhere instead I am riding the magic roundabout waiting for 1 hand in 30+ which I can actually win with. Then only to be taken out to some total bullshit a 1 or 2 outter always on the river. The reason for this is to suck me in, Fulltilt increase my win percenatge at start to get me hooked so I play again. If Fulltilt can manipulate this, how is this a random card generator, or nothing other then rigged? I have friend who works at an online casino betting website and he said new first time depositers are given a better winning percentage to get them hooked so they play again. Now if they have a better winning percentage how is this random or not rigged? That is only 1 aspect of how it is rigged. Play against the pros if you want sure as hell they get better luck and cards then you on that website. What a waste of time it is playing online. The only real "poker" there is, comes from reading your opponent, seeing the cards that are being dealt, and socialising but most of all having fun. Not turning grey getting four eyes sitting behind a computer screen seriously what a waste time online poker is. Do you trust a computer to be fair at all, exterminate theee humans
Old 09-09-10, 06:04 PM
fxpowerhedge fxpowerhedge is offline
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PS rigged - I think so

I have to agree, sadly, with everyone who believes Pokerstars is rigged. The most logical explanation is that they make money off the rake, and thus more players/more hands equals more profits. So, in a court of law, we would call that motive. There is a definitive motive behind keeping more players on the site betting more hands of poker.

The second misconception is the counter logic administrators give you when questioned as to whether or not hands "could" be rigged. I haven't been banned from PS yet, and I still play there. I have, however, obtained and reviewed hand histories. What you see is a disproportionate number of statistically improbable hands. What the PS admins tell you is that "the higher number of hands dealt online means you see more hands that seem to defy odds versus the lesser number of hands you will see in a live game." That's a direct quote from a PS admin.

The fact is that the HIGHER number of hands dealt actually favors the true odds. So, the longer you play on PS or any online site, the FEWER statistically remote, long odds hands you should notice.

Statistical probabilities prove more and more true over longer periods of time and higher incidences. In other words, the law of random events states that if a coin has a 50/50 chance of coming up heads or tails, then you could flip it 100 times and get 99 heads and only 1 tail. What would be the odds of heads or tails on the next flip? It is still 50/50. HOWEVER, if you flip that same coin 3 million times, you are MUCH more likely to see 1.5 million heads and 1.5 million tails. Will you actually see a true 50/50 "odds" correct split in 3 million flips of a coin? Probably not. But you would likely see 1.4 million heads and 1.6 million tails for example. And, in terms of documented science, after X million flips of the coin, you WILL inevitably see the odds prevail and achieve true 50/50 percent of heads versus tails. This applies the same to poker. The MORE hands that are dealt, the more times AK should beat 89. The MORE times AA should prevail over KK versus seeing that seemingly inevitable K on the river or four hearts that build a flush for the other guy.

Mathematical reality simply states: the more hands dealt, the FEWER statistically remote events you "should" see. Statistical PROBABILITIES should prevail over time and higher frequency.

Yet, PS admins tell you the opposite! Their logic is non-existent!

Over time, you see more suck outs, more quads, more boats, more quad 6s sucking out to beat trip Js. That kind of thing. I have seen WAY more statistically remote hands dealt over the past two years than reasonable.

WHY? Why would they risk the PS franchise by rigging the games? Go back to one simple thing: motive.

They rig the cards on PS and likely every other poker online site because PEOPLE are not equal in the real world. If the true 10 - 20% of serious and skilled poker players prevailed online (as they should statistically), and as they do in real life, then that would mean 80 - 90% of all people who sign up and deposit cash on sites like Pokerstars would leave and never come back after losing to players of superior skill.

BUT--Pokerstars creates NON-random cards so that they equalize play. Everyone wins and everyone loses in a relatively equal proportion, so that MORE people keep playing and keep coming back. If you deposit $100 and increase it to $300 over a day or two, BUT you then blow it all on day four, you will likely deposit another $100 and hope you avoid that "bad luck" again. Well, it's not bad luck. It's the equalization created by fixed hands. How do they do it? PS will tell you all cards are pre-selected before you take action. That's fine. So what are you supposed to do when you get pocket Aces? Beware if you've been winning for a while. You're being set up. The other guy likely has 67 of spades, plays badly, will call your all in and then flop a boat with 667 - or a flush that shows up on the river. THAT is how they equalize play. Hands are set up to reward bad play. It's that simple.

They're not putting a target on your back as an individual. They're just setting up the RNG so it's NOT a true Random Number Generator. Rigged? Yes. I think so. I will also see you on the Pokerstars site soon, and beat you with my off suit 72 that comes up 7s full of deuces after you go all in with that foolish Ace high flush you trust on the flop. My runner runner deuces on turn and river will end up taking you down, uh, about HALF the time.
Old 10-31-11, 07:09 PM
riggedstars riggedstars is offline
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Pokestars is rigged but then they all are. They create winners to entice new players. Look at all the young winners? Who will this attract to the site? Looke at the young girl winners? Who will this attract to the site?

To begin with you may do quite well, this is the hook, sooner or later tho the SW will turn against you and you will start facing the mostridiculous and obviously dodgy calls and beats.
The tight player who sits and plays nothing for 40 hands then rasies out of position with 96 or whatever starngley enough you will have AA or anothe strong hand refraise he calls are goes all in and wins. Then he sits quiet again for another long period. I started pointing out what I considered to be dodgy hands and low and behold after being a reasonable winner I haven't cashed in 8 months. During that time I have faced the most outrageous beats imaginable.
This is the worst one. But remember this is only one of 100s.

Dealt AA in BB
All players fold except 1.
He raises, fair raise as it's a position raise.
He bets I reraise and we are allin Pre.
Flop A As 4c
Turn 10s
River Js

He shows Qs Ks.

Have a search on the net and find the odds of this happening. They will astound you.
Now if this were a one off I would probably have laughed and moved on. However this is just one of a series of outrageously staged beats. It's still going on now. I very rarely get past the hour mark in any tourny on this site now. I seldom cash and even this is strange as even a bad player is likely to cash 1 in 20 at least.

I see it all now. Whereas before I wouldn't notice as much cos you tend to not see the truth when you think it's your skill thats wininng.

They run SW alongside the RNG that simply f cuks you over when you are of no use to them. The SW will also favour players they require to win.
Old 10-31-11, 07:15 PM
riggedstars riggedstars is offline
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Excuse the spelling mistakes above I typed it quickly ;-)

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in seeing what is obvious. I wish there was more open talk of this but they seem to be doing a great job of keeping the lid on.

I must say this in case it's not clear. I don't think online poker is rigged. I KNOW IT IS.
Old 11-17-16, 11:54 AM
Da_Pokerguy Da_Pokerguy is offline
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I hate full tilt��

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